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Açaí Project

What we offer

We assist you in choosing the ideal Acai recipe that suits your business and your customer base profile. We also have the ideal equipment to make your restaurant's daily prep and serve routines simple, fast and consistent. 

How it Started

In 2016, aiming at improving the Acai Business Model, we started our first experiments. The challenge was to develop Acai recipes, with no added sugar, that could be served using Soft Serve Machines. 


Seven years later we have more than 30 accounts working with our product and equipment and approximately the same number of customers working with our Acai Sorbet. Within the customers that use our Soft Serve Machine, almost each one of them chose to build their own recipe with our products and support.

How it Works

Each Juice Bar or Restaurant has their own values and reaches a unique audience. Based on our understanding of each account, we work together to choose the best recipe and equipment capacity that will match these conditions. Creating the experience that will be offered to the customer is also important to achieve positive results. Our advice on ways to serve the Acai Bowls, according to each environment, is also a plus. With full support and our "Minimum Downtime Program" we are committed to keeping your store up and running, to build a loyal customer base.

Zing Bowl Brazilian Healthy Food, LLC

© Copyright 2016, All Right reserved

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